Ella with her ever-growing instrument collection.

When it comes to Kindermusik, I guess you could say that I have the best of both worlds. By day an enthusiastic Kindermusik educator for loving families and silly children, by night a Kindermusik Mom to a true blue Kindermusik Kid. 

Ella is now 27 months and the terrible twos have come on full force lately. 
Last night she was kicking me, repeatedly. But the part that made it hard to be mad was that she was kicking me with a steady beat and singing "kicking, kicking, kicking." Hard to be mad at the progress that is so easily shown in all that she does. :) 

Hard to be mad... when she decides that although musical instruments do have a fun purpose they can also be used as weapons in time of anger. Let's just say that Ella's instrument collection also sees a time-out every now and again. 

She loves to dance..and dance..and dance and is starting to have a beautiful little singing voice. :)