First little sprout of my peas.

"Like a big mountain, a small garden stimulates, restores, and delights us, just as it poses challenges, promotes mastery, provides exercise and relieves monotony."
- The Power of Place, Winifred Gallagher 

It all begins with a seed. A tiny little seed that holds such amazing magic inside. With a little tender love & care they can transform into delicious nutritious food that is good for our bodies. However, for me, the process of growing it is just as beneficial as the reward. :)

Gardening is good for the soul. 

Studies have shown that even just spending 30 minutes digging in the dirt can lower the stress hormone cortisol & help boost your mood. 

Pea sprout transplanted into the garden.
Peas growing strong.

Starting a plant from a seed is like welcoming a new little baby into the world. You get wrapped up into caring for it and wanting it to survive and do well. Once it is outside and on its own you worry about the elements and what effect it will have on the plant. And then you rejoice in the "fruits of your labor" when all that TLC pays off. 

Flowers on my peas. :D
Radishes. :)
My daughter Ella, after a nice trip to the garden. :D

And then there is sharing my passion with my young daughter. We have lots of fun gathering peas and carrots together and eating our gatherings right away.

By having Ella help me in the garden she is also learning valuable life skills such as: patience (waiting for things to grow), responsibility (by taking care of the plants), & also a little about loss as the plants wither after harvest. She is also learning about where good food comes from. Garden vs. Grocery Store.

Yummy Carrots!
Some of our peas.
Now I am waiting on my cucumbers, squash, corn, peppers, tomatoes, & jalapenos to grow some more. I love learning new things about gardening. I love the trial & error. I love getting dirty and having Ella excitedly spray the hose all over the place. I love my little pea picking/ carrot pulling helper. 
I love gardening!! <3 

So go get dirty & plant something. Probably radishes since they are one of the fastest to grow or some pretty flowers. Breathe it all in and enjoy!